So, a couple of posts ago I wrote about a fella I briefly dated. The "it's you, not me" guy (he also inspired The Difference Between a Dude and a Man).....The guy that wouldn't give me a decent reason as to why he didn't want to date me and only wanted to be my friend. ALL my friends said there was another girl. I honestly didn't think so. There was no evidence that was clear to me at all. But, they said that red flag was the fact that he never answered the phone when I called. I always had to leave a message and he called me back.
Well...I think they were right. Even though I told him to take his friendship and shove it up his ass (mainly because I REALLY liked him and it hurt me that he didn't return the feeling), I have been curious about him. His facebook and myspace profiles are both public (Believe me, I know I sound like a stalker, but I seriously get bored at work). There are pictures of him at some scenic mountain place nearby and there are pictures of a girl with him.
Again, I don't know how I feel about this. I wasn't totally shocked when I saw them, I have no right to be mad, we're not even friends at this point. But, it was disappointing. Granted, pictures of a female don't prove that they are fucking...but, you kind of have to assume.
It sucks to be rejected, and it sucks worse to be rejected for someone that isn't even very attractive. Ok, that's my bitterness coming out. That's not very nice, Lisa. Look, I've been single a long fucking time and this was the first (not married) guy IN A VERY LONG TIME that showed some promise. I got excited about him, I really liked him...and it didn't work.
I've determined one thing in my singledom....being single does not suck. In fact, being single is pretty cool. I answer to no one. I can leave dirty dishes in my sink as long as I please, do whatever the fuck I want when I want to. It's DATING that sucks serious elephant balls.
5 years ago
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