Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This evil cruel world

From Feb 2008:

So, I went over to my grandma's house last night to visit for a minute. My cousin was there with his girlfriend and their new baby. I have MANY issues with this.

  1. They named the poor child Miley Mae Maynard. Seriously.
  2. My cousin is 24 years old, this is his THIRD child (the first two he's not allowed to see).
  3. He's already been divorced from baby momma 1 (who is a crackhead and has abandoned aforementioned children and left them with her mother who does not allow my cousin to see them).
  4. The current baby momma is 19 years old.
  5. My cousin is socially retarded and cannot hold down a real job, although he as been for several months now (ever since he got shot in May, he's been able to get some perspective on life. Right.)

He doesn't deserve to have children for all the reasons above.

Hey retards! Just because you are physically able to procreate, doesn't mean you should!!!!!!!

This is why there is no god. The people who are the LAST ONES ON EARTH WHO SHOULD EVER RAISE CHILDREN are the ones popping them out. The ones who would actually raise a decent, hardworking, moral, contributing child are the ones who have to spend $20,000 on in vitro fertilization or adoption.

By the way, when you already have two children you can't see or support, wouldn't you invest in some condoms???? Just a thought….

And if you are a young woman dating a "man" who has two children he can't see or support, and doesn't have job, wouldn't you get on the pill??? Just another thought…..

I am utterly flabbergasted at the way this world works sometimes. I've always believed that there is a reason for everything. What possible reason can there be for three poor innocent children being brought into the world with absolutely no chance for success in their lives due to their lack of functioning parents?

Just an afterthought and to give some perspective on this situation, my cousin's father, my Uncle Mark passed away in 2003. He was an alcoholic who married a schizophrenic and they produced my cousin. Mark Jr. was passed back and forth between Missouri where his mother lived and my uncle here in Washington. He never got a proper education; he is dyslexic, ADD and ADHD, and CANNOT READ OR WRITE. I suspect he also has Asberger's, but nothing has been diagnosed. He was raised poorly and therefore has passed along that tradition of terrible parenting and bad choices. My uncle was a good man, but not meant to be a parent.

Why can't we all be born sterile and have to take a test at some point in order to be allowed to conceive???

Karma and Balls

From April 2008...

Well, for those of you who know me, you probably remember the infamous Brant. I posted a blog about him more than a year ago. I dated him for a short time, during which he couldn't get it up and showed personal pictures of me to mutual coworkers. I happened to have a picture of his dick, so in my eloquent blog I posted that pic plus the town he lived in and that no one should do him, cause he doesn't function. Then to top the whole thing off, I ended up receiving a phone call from his GIRLFRIEND that he was living with the whole time we were dating. Anyway....onto karma and balls.....

I had happy hour with some past coworkers tonight and one of those past coworkers shared a lovely story with me. Apparently Brant was involved in a bar fight this past weekend and in the process of getting his ass thoroughly kicked, his opponent kicked him in his balls. Quite hard I'm assuming because poor little Brant ended up in the hospital to HAVE ONE OF HIS BALLS REMOVED!!!!!!!!

If that isn't karma....I don' t know what is.

Is it bad that I'm happy???

I hate people that are happy.

Why is everyone getting married and having babies???? It's like an onslaught, my eyes and mind are being raped with the image of women in their wedding dresses and posing with their pregnant bellies and changing their myspace name to "Mrs. Douchenozzle". Like anyone fucking cares about your retarded baby, that quite frankly isn't as cute as you think he or she is. Plus, they'll probably end up gay or a tranny. You should be so proud. And, I know that you are super excited about having just married some douchebag that is a plumber or some equally degrading profession, but you're gonna get divorced in like 5 years. That's reality. And if you make it beyond those 5 years, you'll end up fat and covered in stretch marks from having four of the douche's babies while he's out Yes, me. You heard it. I'm the one married guys like to screw around with. Do you know why, faithful wives? Because I'm not you. And because I'll let a guy come on my face...but that's neither here nor there. Here's the cold hard truth, if you are truly happy and content with your life, do you need to parade it all over myspace? So that some meth head that you used to go to high school with 10 years ago can comment on your pics and act as if they are happy for you? In reality, they pity you because they get to do drugs and have sex and you don't. But don't worry, you can do that after you get divorced and your ex-spouse gets custody of your mentally challenged kids.

For the record, for those of you that know me, know that I do want to have kids and get married some day. That still remains. However, I do not plan to wipe my poopy business all over the myspace community if either of those things happen for me.

I know, myspace is stupid. I'm trying really hard to stop, but it's like crack.

Football Haters

Look, I get that you don't like football. Fine. I never used to until a couple of years ago. But, I do. So, I put a Seahawks screensaver on my computer, a Seahawks background on my myspace page...etc. I don't ask you to watch it with me, invite you to games, etc. So, if you don't like it, don't fucking look at my page!!! You may be one of my best friends, but it fucking bothers me when you give me shit about something that I genuinely love. Do I give you shit about the things you love? NO. So shut up.