Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm not sure how I feel about this....

So, a couple of posts ago I wrote about a fella I briefly dated. The "it's you, not me" guy (he also inspired The Difference Between a Dude and a Man).....The guy that wouldn't give me a decent reason as to why he didn't want to date me and only wanted to be my friend. ALL my friends said there was another girl. I honestly didn't think so. There was no evidence that was clear to me at all. But, they said that red flag was the fact that he never answered the phone when I called. I always had to leave a message and he called me back.

Well...I think they were right. Even though I told him to take his friendship and shove it up his ass (mainly because I REALLY liked him and it hurt me that he didn't return the feeling), I have been curious about him. His facebook and myspace profiles are both public (Believe me, I know I sound like a stalker, but I seriously get bored at work). There are pictures of him at some scenic mountain place nearby and there are pictures of a girl with him.

Again, I don't know how I feel about this. I wasn't totally shocked when I saw them, I have no right to be mad, we're not even friends at this point. But, it was disappointing. Granted, pictures of a female don't prove that they are fucking...but, you kind of have to assume.

It sucks to be rejected, and it sucks worse to be rejected for someone that isn't even very attractive. Ok, that's my bitterness coming out. That's not very nice, Lisa. Look, I've been single a long fucking time and this was the first (not married) guy IN A VERY LONG TIME that showed some promise. I got excited about him, I really liked him...and it didn't work.

I've determined one thing in my singledom....being single does not suck. In fact, being single is pretty cool. I answer to no one. I can leave dirty dishes in my sink as long as I please, do whatever the fuck I want when I want to. It's DATING that sucks serious elephant balls.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm so fucking pissed right now!!!

My "friend" Waylon left the STATE. Without saying good bye to me!! He had been planning this for months and didn't know exactly when he was going to leave. But, what was planned is that we would get together and hang out one last time before he left.

Well, I just got a text from him stating that he owes me an apology. I said, for what? He said, for leaving without saying good bye. Who knows how long he's been gone.

Look, we're not best friends. We don't hang out all the time, in fact we rarely get together. But, I've always been there for him when he needed a shoulder to cry on because some bitch dumped him. But, if you call someone a friend...AND IF YOU MAKE PLANS TO HANG OUT BEFORE YOU MOVE...Then fucking call the person before you leave. How hard is it?

Am I a bad person?

I like to look at the announcements in the Olympian every week, engagements, births, divorces...etc.

Today I saw a name I recognized in divorces. I already knew they had split up, but to see it in print made me laugh. The guy is a total dick and the woman is a super biotch. So, I'm not a bad person for laughing at their misery, right????

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our new President

I'm so in love with Obama. I realize that our country has set VERY high expectations on him and have exalted him almost to the level of the next messiah. But, I do believe that he represents the one thing that this country used to be known for and has forgotten in recent decades. Change. The earliest settlers in this country, the ones who came here for religious freedom came here in search of change. We've fought wars for change. We've staged peaceful sit ins for change. We've voted for change. The fact that this is our first black president is both fortunate and unfortunate. Fortunate for obvious reasons that I shouldn't have to even begin to list. But, also unfortunate because of the fact that it is a big deal. It shouldn't be. Race should not be a factor. Race is insignificant in whether a person is equal to the next. But it this case. Now, maybe in the future, our next black president will not be seen as significant because he is black but because of the political promises he makes and keeps. This will happen again when we see our first woman president, our first latino president, our first asian president...etc. But nothing will compare to the moment that our country shared today. The moment that our country finally said, "Ok, now is the time to change after years of stagnancy. Finally. Finally."

And for me personally, raised in a generation of people who loathe our government and it's processes, a generation of people who are anything but patriotic, a generation of people who will do anything but work or take responsibility for our actions, we've been given a proverbial slap in the face. And, finally, I am proud to be an American.

The two worst music videos ever made.

No really, they are. Just watch. Your head will explode.