I thought it was a pretty clear indication that I didn't want to be your fucking friend. You hurt me and didn't want to date me and I'm supposed to want to be friends with you? Oh, and it really upsets you that I don't want to be your buddy? I could not possibly care less that you are upset. In fact, I'm HAPPY that you're upset. Although, I suspect that you also couldn't care less if you're actually friends with me.
Oh, AND.... texting me on Valentine's Day.....the one day of the year designed to make me feel worthless for being single (which I didn't until you texted me) would definitely NOT be the ideal day to contact me and wonder why we can't be friends. You just seriously don't get it, do you?
I officially hate texting. You get to say what you want without actually having to be a man and face the people you're "communicating" with. Plus, you get to assign context to what you're saying that people inevitably take completely OUT of context and it confuses everything and everybody. It's a pussy form of technology and I want to boycott it.
The girls and I went to see He's Just Not that into You yesterday. In it, Drew Barrymore's character says that now we have to endure being rejected by 7 different technologies now and that it's exhausting. Could not be more true.
IF I were to ever consider being your friend, which I'm not, it would require you having balls. The balls to tell me the truth about what happened. And the balls to do more than text, Happy Valentine's Day Lisa.
Fuck you and the Army tank you rode in on.
5 years ago
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