This is probably going to sound snobby, bitchy and rude....but when has that ever stopped me before, right?
I realize that sites like myspace and facebook are for connecting with friends, coworkers, family and reconnecting with people you haven't seen or talked to in a long time. And I appreciate that, I really do. I have two issues with this however....
Issue One: We were friends in high school, you request me as a friend to "reconnect" (so I think), I write you an email or wall message to say that it's good to hear from you....and then nothing. I get no response. Why did you request me as a friend if you in fact have no interest in connecting with me? Look, I super don't care if you care about me, but don't act as if you do by sending me a friend request. I have deleted about 6 people from my friends list on Facebook due to this. Don't bother, if you're not going to talk to me. It's really pointless.
Issue Two: I have gotten a few friend requests from people that I knew of but never actually had a conversation with in high school. Again, why are you requesting me as a friend? In this situation, I know for sure that you won't be writing me asking what I've been up to, because you didn't know what I was up to 10 years ago when we were in English together. I seriously don't get it. So, I deny these requests. Bitchy? Yes. Rude? Maybe. Practical? Definitely.
Look, if we haven't talked in 10 years, there's probably a reason. Let's go ahead and leave things the way they are. I'm happy with it.
Reason number one why I'm not sure I'll be attending my 10 year high school reunion this summer: See above.
5 years ago