GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!! If you have a limp or walk slowly, don't walk straight down the middle of an aisle at the grocery store. Walk to either the right or the left. That way, normal people can get around you! Oh, and the same goes for when you are walking out of the store. While you are dragging your fucking gimp leg behind you and moving at a goddamn snail's pace, I'm trying to get the fuck out of the store. You are in my way!!!! And old people, you are basically a gimp, just not confined to one part of your body, you just have a gimp body. Pay attention! I'm trying to pull into a parking space and you are SLLLOOOOWWWWLLLLYYY closing your car door and walking across the parking space I'm waiting not so patiently to park in. How about instead of walking at a 45 degree angle away from your vehicle, you take a sharp right and walk along your car to the sidewalk. Huh? Sound like a good idea? Or, you could just fucking call Dr. Kevorkian and kill yourself. You're ready to die anyway, do everyone a favor and do it. I don't want to have to hit you with my car.
Am I the only one in the world that actually pays attention to where I'm going and actively try to stay out of poeple's way? Perk up your ears, turn up the hearing aid and GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 years ago